Learn about the trends, statistics and benefits of hybrid work.

Reports and studies

We are heading towards the magnetic office: flexibility, retention and a new office experience

The future of data work

We explore the future of hybrid working in our data-driven report. While 50% of managers opt for face-to-face work, 97% of employees prefer a hybrid approach. This contrast, known as ‘the Great Resignation’, reveals a gap between employers and workers.

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The challenge of engagement

In this report you will find information, tips and we solve doubts about a problem that we have found in many companies: to engage employees with their work and the organisation; the challenge of engagement. All from a Human Resources professional.

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Impact of technology

In an ever-evolving business world, technology has become a crucial element. In this report we delve into the impact of technology on HR and explain techniques to optimise and maximise employee effectiveness through digitisation and automation.

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Environmental sustainability

This report addresses the crucial role of technology in promoting environmental sustainability and its close interconnection with organisational culture. You will find key practices to promote sustainability in your company and how HR can lead and facilitate this cultural change.

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Hybrid work on the rise

In this report, Hybo brings together the various studies on hybrid work. It gathers information and data on hybrid work in Spain, on this work methodology outside Spanish borders.

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Savings hybrid companies 2022

We launched a comprehensive study on the savings that hybrid working generates for companies, workers and its impact on team management and environmental improvement.

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What will the offices of the future look like?

We are living a revolution in the guidelines of work models, which will affect our workspaces to adapt them to the new trends. Find out first-hand what the offices of the future will be like.

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