Integrate with Hybo the BMS and BIM in your offices and buildings.

Optimize your workspace with Hybo by linking reservations to lights, climate control, and parking access. With Hybo, you can enjoy home automation that saves energy and costs.

Hybo, the home automation, BMS and BIM integration solution for your spaces.

Smart meeting rooms

Optimize energy efficiency and save money in your workspace with Hybo. Link your room reservations to lighting and climate control programming, creating green offices and home automation spaces that adapt to your needs.

Smart parking

Optimize the management of your parking with Hybo's smart parking. Open doors and barriers automatically when you check-in from the application or with the license plate reader linked to your scheduled reservations.

Problems solved and benefits provided by home automation in workspaces

Hybo is an innovative solution that focuses on maximum integration and personalization in workspace management. Hybo stands out for its integration with home automation systems, allowing for more efficient and personalized management of offices, meeting rooms, common spaces, and parking.

Integrating Hybo with office home automation solves various problems in the workplace. For example, it allows for more efficient management of workspaces by controlling lighting and climate control according to each user's needs. Furthermore, integration with home automation systems simplifies the management of meeting room reservations, optimizing employees' time and increasing their productivity.

Home automation offers a variety of benefits in workspaces. In meeting rooms, it allows for customization of the room's atmosphere according to each user's needs, increasing comfort and productivity. In common spaces, home automation allows for more efficient lighting and climate control management, resulting in energy savings and a reduction in the carbon footprint. In parking, integration with home automation allows for faster and safer access to parking spaces, resulting in a more enjoyable user experience.


Connected and automated workspaces

Hybo integrates with the most widely implemented management tools, increasing benefits and simplifying processes.

Schedule a demonstration

We provide you with a full demo of all the services on offer. Talk to our experts.