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Espacios abierto de oficinas donde hay puestos de trabajo con Hot Desking

What is Hot Desking, and how can it benefit your office?

In today’s work environment, where flexibility and efficiency are key, hot desking has emerged as a growing trend that promises to revolutionize the way companies manage their workspace. But what exactly is hot desking, and how can it benefit your office? In this article, we tell you everything you need to know about this innovative…

Mujer con un movil reservando un espacio de trabajo

How to increase the productivity of a company

In today’s competitive business environment, increasing a company’s productivity is a key priority. Productivity not only drives growth and profitability, but it also improves morale and employee satisfaction. Here, we will explore strategies and tools that can help companies optimize their productivity, with a special focus on advanced technological solutions like Hybo. What can a…


How can you clock in at work? Solutions to comply with the law

Time control at work has become a priority for many companies in Spain since the implementation of the Time Control Law in May 2019. This regulation requires companies to record the working hours of their employees to ensure compliance with labor rights. Complying with this regulation not only helps avoid sanctions but also promotes a…

Espacios abierto de oficinas donde hay puestos de trabajo con Hot Desking

What is Hot Desking, and how can it benefit your office?

In today’s work environment, where flexibility and efficiency are key, hot desking has emerged as a growing trend that promises to revolutionize the way companies manage their workspace. But what exactly is hot desking, and how can it benefit your office? In this article, we tell you everything you need to know about this innovative…

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Mujer con un movil reservando un espacio de trabajo

How to increase the productivity of a company

In today’s competitive business environment, increasing a company’s productivity is a key priority. Productivity not only drives growth and profitability, but it also improves morale and employee satisfaction. Here, we will explore strategies and tools that can help companies optimize their productivity, with a special focus on advanced technological solutions like Hybo. What can a…

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Do you know our smart offices??

Optimise your workspaces with Hybo: link bookings with lighting, air conditioning and parking access. With Hybo, you can enjoy domotised spaces that save energy and costs.