What would you offer your customers with hybo?

View, reserve and schedule common spaces and private spaces.

Common spaces

Advance or scheduled booking of rooms and spaces according to dates, times and attendees linked to the to the calendar.


Your users can reserve their desks on a daily basis and according to according to the parameters defined by their assigned roles.

Car park

Parking space reservations according to roles and vehicle classes in communities or centres.


Generate activities or events and allow your users to receive a notification so they can book their place and encourage their use.

External visits

Registration of visits with sending of documentation and reservations reservations linked to the calendar.


Recording of incidents in equipment and installations by your users in order to improve their spaces.

"Flexible spaces are expected to account for a third of the office real estate market by 2025 "

© rrhhdigital.com

What would hybo bring to you?

Management, reserve and constant adaptation

Occupation and use of space.

Hybo allows you to report the occupancy of offices, meeting rooms, canteens canteens and car parks. With these metrics you can constantly spaces can be redesigned constantly based on usage and occupancy, encouraging retention.

Furniture and layout

With hybo, investments in investments are based on occupancy metrics, saving and adapting the furniture to the real needs of the adapting unused spaces into new spaces or improving existing facilities.

Domotics, Iots and IFTT

By means of IFTT, domotics and QR's hybo enables check-in, self-release or the locking and unlocking of doors, lights and air-conditioning. In this way, unused rooms do not consume do not consume energy and adapt to the flexibility of the environment.

Common spaces

With hybo, metrics can be derived of common spaces and encourage their use through activities. This data allows to evaluate the use of common spaces and reception areas, leading to future redesigns in these spaces.

"Use of common spaces by other tenants: It puts the value of common spaces common spaces for proposed use to private spaces "

© Multinational space design company

What benefits would you have as a partner?

The only one-stop solution for managing and booking your workspaces


You will be able to offer hybo to your clients, providing differentiation and value.

Tools management

You can have access to the tools to see the occupation of your clients


We can customize the application and control panel according to your needs and those of your client.


You will have technical support from the hybo team, as well as support in sales and marketing material.


Thanks to hybo home automation you can make autonomous and green projects


To all this, you will have a commission percentage for each hybo integration in your clients.

" Hybo helps maintain rents for spaces for make use of"

© Multinational designer of spaces

Get to know the comprehensive platform for space management

Fast and easy

Available from minute 0, without integrations or additional developments.

Base architecture

Hybo offers different options for its integration into the client's architecture.


Reservation on personalized plans​​, automation integrations, etc.


Customize the journey of your employees and show your brand.

Check-in Check-out

Different options to check-in reservations.


Obtain occupancy reports by employee, zones, days, etc.

Do you have any doubt?

Flexible workspaces for your employees

Create a new experience for your employees and make your workspaces revolve around your team.

From minute 0, hybo can be integrated into your management tools without waiting for developments or studies.

Hybo allows you to be customizable, adding maps of your offices and your corporate image. In addition, it allows you to implement custom functionalities.

Hybo integrates with most management tools such as Office 365, Google Workspace, Saas, etc.

Entre muchas de sus características, Hybo permite integrar dispositivos para realizar Check-In y Check-Out automatizados o pantallas para realizar reservas o mostrar disponibilidades y ocupaciones.

Contact us

We provide you with a full demo of all the services on offer. Talk to our experts.