Meeting room booking software

Hybo is the perfect software application for booking meeting rooms in your office, and the optimal workspace management solution for you and your team.

Reserva de salas de reuniones

Some of the companies that rely on Hybo on a day-to-day basis


Simplify your meeting management with Hybo

Hybo simplifies meeting room management and booking with our all-in-one solution. With our integrated mobile app and web portal, your team can easily and quickly book meeting rooms to suit their needs and preferences.

Optimize your meetings with Hybo’s flexible meeting room booking.


Offer your employees management of their spaces

With Hybo, all your team has to do is log into their profile, select the available meeting room and set the date and times they want to use it. Once booked, your guests will instantly receive all information about the meeting. In addition, Hybo frees up spaces and suggests rooms to suit your meeting requirements and occupants.

Check in con QR + Auto Check Out

Hybo integrates with the most implemented management tools, as well as third-party multi-sector tools and solutions, allowing for the centralization and simplification of processes.


Streamline your business processes with Hybo

Forget tatty pieces of papers pinned to the wall. Forget sending emails to request a room. Don’t spend any more meetings walking the corridors to find an available room. With Hybo, you can manage and book meeting rooms and monitor their occupancy in real time. This way, you can make your company spaces easier for your employees to use based on their needs.

Sistema de reservas de salas de reuniones Hybo


You’ve just asked if there are rooms available-take a look!

With our meeting room booking software, you can schedule a room booking in advance, or you can book a meeting room on the same day, all thanks to Hybo’s live monitoring. To choose your room, you can either access and select it from the map or simply fill in the necessary hours and room capacity. Then, Hybo will allocate you a room that meets your requirements.

Reserva de salas

What do Hybo users say?​

Go beyond simple bookings, create experiences for your employees

Access to manage and optimize your corporate spaces with daily experiences for your teams.

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