Sesame plus Hybo

Hybo is pleased to announce its latest integration with Sesame, an HR management platform.

But what is Sesame?

Sesame is software that enables the management of schedules, onboarding, remote work, personnel selection, and more. Now, thanks to the integration with Hybo, you have the opportunity to manage your workspace and teams in a more automated manner.

Why use Sesame + Hybo?

This combination offers several key advantages for space and team management:

Work hour tracking from any device

With Hybo and Sesame, keeping track of work hours is easy and accessible from any device.

Time control program for work flexibility and smart working

The integration of Hybo and Sesame enables work flexibility and smart working with efficient time control.

Improve productivity with HR reports

Get detailed human resources reports to make data-driven decisions and increase productivity.

Custom automations with attendance control software

Automate tasks and streamline processes in your company with Hybo and Sesame.

In summary, the integration of Hybo with Sesame revolutionizes workspace and team management, providing efficiency and flexibility, along with detailed reports and custom automations for a more productive business.

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