Office parking bookings software

Hybo is the ideal smart and easy software application for booking office parking spaces. We are the solution for managing your business spaces because we integrate our software with your management tools.


Simplify parking management for your employees with Hybo

Hybo streamlines the process of reserving parking spaces for your employees. With our comprehensive solution, they can quickly and easily reserve their parking spot from anywhere, at any time. Additionally, our intelligent and flexible software helps you efficiently manage all parking spaces, including regular, special, electric charging, and mobility-impaired spaces. With Hybo, you can coordinate the individual needs of your employees and optimize the allocation of parking spaces.

Permite que tus empleados reserven su plaza de aparcamiento

Your employees will park quickly and start their day off on the right foot.

With Hybo, your team just needs to log in to their profile, select the available parking space based on their date criteria, and their space will be booked for them. In addition, bookings can be scheduled for multiple days or weeks. Hybo parking can be booked manually or allocated automatically using roles, assignments and permits.

With Hybo, parking bookings can be released, granting parking spaces to other users.

Parking Space Booking Software by Hybo
Parking Space Booking Software by Hybo

Hybo allows you to monitor your company’s parking spaces.

Hybo can load your parking plans, so the app displays the available occupancy on a map on your device based on the parking bookings made by other employees.

This overview allows users to view real-time parking space availability on site and occupy any free parking spaces. This overview allows you to efficiently manage parking spaces, releasing them or allocating them based on roles, departments or physical capabilities.

Program for Parking Space Reservations
Program for Parking Space Reservations

Extract occupancy data and apply automation.

With our parking space booking software, you can extract all occupancy and usage data, as well as parking times and areas with greater or lesser capacity. This data enables decisions to be made to improve facilities according to trends and use of the facilities by your employees.

Hybo also integrates with automation devices, such as for check-in at entry barriers, an easy and cost-effective way to display car park occupancy and space allocation for each user.

Hybo Parking Space Booking System
Hybo Parking Space Booking System

Manage your parking spaces however you like

You can prioritise requests using the booking ranking system. Want to promote car-sharing? Give them three points! Do you prioritise electric cars? Give them five points!

Easy and fast

Smart features and easy one-off and recurring parking space bookings.


Different check-in options in the car parks.

Spaces by vehicle

Assigned spaces by type of vehicle (electric car, motorcycle, bike, etc.)


Book parking spaces using customised plans, automated integrations, etc.


Get occupancy reports by employee and parking space.


Hybo releases unused parking or cancelled bookings instantly.


Your employees will be able to book completely remotely via their mobile phone or computer.


Functionalities that can be integrated with automated devices and IFTTT.


Connected and secure workspaces

Hybo integrates with the most widely implemented management tools, increasing benefits and simplifying processes.



Find out more about our Insights on office parking booking

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