Eva Collado

Consultora, Formadora. Conferenciante y Escritora

Advice for Professionals to Advance Their Careers:

Discover valuable tips from Eva Collado Durán on how to start and advance a career in Human Resources in our latest video. Eva shares her insights on the importance of specialization and continuous updating in such a dynamic field as HR. Additionally, explore how to develop top-tier soft skills and build a strong personal brand in today’s digital environment. Don’t miss this chance to learn how to stand out in the HR field and open new professional opportunities. Watch the full video now for exclusive keys to success in your career in Human Resources!

Encouraging Employee Adaptability and Resilience:

In our latest video, Eva Collado Durán addresses the challenges of cultural change in 21st-century companies. She highlights the need for a culture of continuous learning and development at all organizational levels, as well as open and transparent communication. Discover how to promote teamwork, collaboration, and transformative leadership to adapt to change and thrive in the new work era. Don’t miss this inspiring conversation about the future of work and the challenges we face in the digital age!

Most Important Skills and Competencies Professionals Should Develop:

In our latest video, Eva Collado Durán explores the growing importance of soft skills in today’s work environment. She highlights how skills such as effective communication, teamwork, adaptability, and emotional intelligence are becoming more important than technical skills. Discover how these competencies are key in selection processes and change management in 21st-century organizations. Don’t miss this interesting reflection on the balance between soft and hard skills in the current labor market!

Main Message of Her Book to Her Readers:

In her book ‘The World Changes, And You?’, Eva Collado Durán offers a guide to navigating the ever-transforming work world. The central message is clear: reinvention is no longer an option, but a constant necessity. With this work, Eva aims to give readers a competitive edge by providing the knowledge needed to adapt and thrive in the digital age. She highlights the importance of staying updated, being curious, and being prepared for sudden changes that may arise in both work and personal life. Discover how to take control of your professional future and maintain a growth mindset in an ever-evolving world!

Opinion on the Future of Work:

Regarding the future of work, Eva Collado Durán points to a shift towards a project-based economy, where technology, globalization, and demographic changes will transform the way businesses operate and commercial relationships are established. This change will involve an increase in freelance work and a more diverse workforce. Additionally, there will be a greater focus on soft skills and employee health and well-being. Despite the challenges, Eva concludes with an optimistic note, highlighting that while some jobs will migrate, many new opportunities will arise in this changing work landscape.

Main Challenges Companies Face in Talent Management:

Eva Collado Durán highlights crucial challenges in talent management. She points out that talent chooses where to work based on its values and purpose. She emphasizes the scarcity of emerging skills and the need for competitive compensation and realistic expectations. Additionally, she stresses mutual commitment, continuous development, diversity and inclusion, technological adaptation, well-being, and balance between personal and professional life. These challenges require effective talent management in a changing world.

Most Prominent HR Trends Globally:

Eva Collado Durán explores trends in human capital management, from emerging technologies to flexible work models. She highlights the importance of accelerated digitalization due to the pandemic and the need to adapt to a globalized world. She emphasizes open communication, employee engagement, and well-being as key pillars to navigate this new labor era.

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