Alejandro Durán

Expert in HR

Adapting Employees to Software Like Hybo:

Join Alejandro Durán, an expert in Human Resources, in an enlightening video about adapting employees to software like Hybo. Highlighting the importance of communication and training, Durán tackles the common issue of implementing technologies without explanation, emphasizing that investment must go hand in hand with valuing each technological element. He points out the mistake of not only innovating in the introduction of technologies but also of not being aware of the need to train professionals. The video offers a deep insight into facilitating the use of tools, fostering familiarity, and highlighting benefits to advance technological implementation. Discover key challenges and solutions with Durán to improve efficiency in your company.

Employees and Mental Health:

Explore the evolution of mental health care in the workplace with Alejandro Durán, an expert in Human Resources. In this video, he discusses how companies have changed their focus, highlighting the growing importance of employee well-being. Durán addresses the current trend of integrating organizational wellness plans, emphasizing how it has moved from being a novelty to a fundamental element in business strategy. Explore how leaders, including CEOs, recognize that investing in well-being positively impacts productivity and engagement. Additionally, he highlights the need for empathetic leadership aware of the impact of work on mental health, proposing a comprehensive approach to wellness programs. Join the conversation and discover the keys to a business strategy centered on well-being. Don’t miss it!

Common Mistakes in HR:

Join Alejandro Durán, an expert in Human Resources, in a deep dive into the most common business mistakes in 2024. In this video, discover keys to avoiding fundamental failures, from the disconnection between speech and action to the lack of centering the worker in the business strategy. Durán highlights the critical importance of betting on the well-being and mental health of employees in 2024, essential for talent retention and the building of committed teams. Moreover, he emphasizes the need to adapt corporate culture to new realities, especially with the introduction of artificial intelligence. Don’t lose sight of these key aspects for long-term success!

Gamification in HR:

Dive into the world of gamification in Human Resources with Alejandro Durán, an expert in the field. This video explores how implementing game dynamics can transform tedious processes into attractive and challenging experiences. Although gamification is not new, Alejandro guides on its growing relevance in various areas of Human Resources. Discover how to apply this strategy in training, selection, and internal communication, turning conventional procedures into interactive and educational experiences. With game elements such as rewards and challenges, gamification not only makes the process more fun but also generates greater engagement, improving knowledge acquisition and strengthening the bond between employees and the organization. Don’t miss this innovative approach to boosting participation and connection in your company!

Implementing Trends in My Company:

Join Alejandro Durán, an expert in business strategy, in this brief video where he explores the balance between following trends and strategically adapting to the needs of each organization. He highlights the importance of analyzing trends from the unique perspective of each company, making informed decisions about their adoption. With practical examples, such as the implementation of artificial intelligence, Durán underlines the need for strategic analysis to ensure viability and alignment with business objectives. Discover keys to business success in minutes!

Incorporating Gamification in HR:

Discover gamification in Human Resources with Alejandro Durán in this brief video. Explore its practical application in training, onboarding, and selection. Alejandro shares how a mobile app can foster communication among employees and enrich knowledge acquisition with interactive elements. He highlights that gamification not only makes processes attractive but also stimulates participation and goal achievement. In Human Resources, it introduces elements of meritocracy, allowing professionals to accumulate points and earn rewards. This innovative approach seeks to overcome traditional models, adapting to various preferences and learning styles. Dive into this new way of engaging your team!

Making Mondays Less Monday:

Say goodbye to Blue Monday with Alejandro Durán, an expert in Human Resources. In this brief video, we change the perception of «the saddest day of the year» and explore how to create positive work environments daily. With positive leadership and flexibility, every day can be equally positive. Discover how to make each day a rewarding experience in your organization. Join the transformation with Alejandro!

Goals for 2024 in HR:

Discover with Alejandro Durán, an expert in Human Resources, the key goals for 2024. In this video, we will address the effective implementation of artificial intelligence in business processes, strategies for employee retention, adapting leadership to the new work reality, including hybrid work and emerging technologies, and the essential role of Human Resources as a guide in organizational change processes. Get ready to face the challenges of the constantly changing work environment and lead the way to the future in your organization. Join the conversation and take control of strategic change!

Upskilling and Reskilling, Let's Talk About Them:

In this video, Alejandro Durán explores the relevance of professional skills in today’s work environment, highlighting two key approaches: «upskilling,» focused on teaching skills to improve performance, with an emphasis on adapting to innovations like artificial intelligence; and «reskilling,» which addresses the professional recycling needed to adapt to new roles or structural changes. The focus is on the importance of learning new skills in the face of constantly evolving work challenges, such as changes in roles or technological innovations. Discover how these approaches transform Human Resources management and enhance professional development. Don’t miss the keys to facing the constantly changing work challenges!

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